ORISHAS – Orisha is the term for demigods in African spirituality. With ORISHAS Burak Özdemir once again invites us listeners through the world of legends where the ancient mythologies flourish. Burak, in his creation ORISHAS, deforms antique traditions with today’s sound technologies and brings historical instruments into the universe of jazz, minimalism and world music. The orchestration of the project is casted with voice, baroque bassoon, string quartet, double bass, theorbo, African percussions and piano. The unique sounds of Ensemble Musica Sequenza merge together in this soulful, energetic and moving work. Burak Özdemir composed the complete music of the project, which are recorded by Ensemble Musica Sequenza and mixed by the Argentinean sound artist Alejandro Mosso in Berlin. ‚After HERMES and DEVAS, I wanted to add a follow-up album to my spiritual cycle, where ancient themes and rituals can be presented to today’s audiences in an experimental approach. I tend to blend genres and it is interesting to hear the sounds of traditional instruments, such as the bassoon or theorbo in popular music platforms.‘ explains Burak.